Monday, 20 April 2009

edonis project - research ethics (1 of 3)

The edonis project commenced in November 2008, during the taught phase of my professional doctorate (EdD) at the University of Edinburgh. The research will continue until mid-2011, with submission of the thesis expected in early 2013. Presently there are 120 participants. As I am 6 months into the study, I am no longer actively seeking participants, although anyone can still sign-up through the Ning site. So far those who have signed-up have been:

- Encouraged to sign-up and engage with the research networking site ( Around three-quarters have done so

- asked to partly plan (and in 10 instances have already recorded and even published) a single interview to be carried out by me before late-2011

- sent Parts 1-6 of a ten-part block of online surveys which will draw to a close before November 2009.

Due to the methodology and timing of commencement of the research, and iterative developments to the research question and approaches to engagement with participants and data collections, I will be publishing updates every six months following meetings with my thesis supervisor (as yet unappointed) and engagement with edonis participants.

Having recently read SERA (2005), BERA (2004, 2008), and ESRC (2006) publications on research ethics for Professor Morwenna Griffiths' course on Qualitative Analysis on the EdD, it is fundamental (despite there being no present compulsion or threat of sanctions) for me to critically understand and where necessary respond to in terms of my future actions and attitudes within the edonis project, to ensure that, a) participants are generally happy to continue to take part, and b) I am upholding the professionalism of the educational researcher.

In additional to the outline, above, of the series of online surveys and the seventy or so research interviews, which span Years 1-3, Year 2 will comprise: a) a hypermedia ethnographical study and critical discourse analysis (CDA) of the content of blog posts by those edonis participants who have indicated that they blog within education and learning, and b) a literature review. The plan for Year 3 is to: interrogate contemporary concepts, theories and paradigms from my literature review by exposing them to the research participants; survey, to gather some late data on general changes in participants’ engagement (or not) with the social web; a focus group (on-, and off-line) to discuss the findings of the edonis project and possible implications.

Some relevant issues have been brought to attention through my reading and interpretation of these three prominent ethical guidelines. However, as no children or vulnerable adults are involved in my research, and the research is not medically-related, the edonis project should not require detailed, higher-level consideration with an ethics committee. However, I must exhibit and maintain research and ethics competence, and due to the iterative development of my methodology, I will need to regularly reflect on the nature of my research, the operation of the online network site, and my conduct.

I will need to maintain integrity through professional relationships and, or particular interest and consideration, my published thesis should make “a worthwhile contribution to the quality of education in our society.” (SERA, 2005: i) My expectations are that this work will a) benefit the individual learning professional by providing them with knowledge and experiences which will help them to make more efficient use of their online professional activities, and b) benefit those who are involved in the provision of traditional and new approaches to CPD.

Link to edonis Ning