Saturday, 13 December 2008

edonis project - introduction I

The edonis project is a 3-year study of learning professionals use of the 'social web'.

1 In what ways are learning professionals using the 'social web'? How are these adding to, or challenging, the concept of 'professional development'?

2 How are established approaches to 'professional development' being influenced by the 'social web'?

3 What is meant by 'personal learning network'? Which metaphors are commonly used to support this concept? In what ways is it challenged?

4 As the 'social web' expands, what changes are likely in the ways that learning professionals will access and engage with 'professional development'?

5 To what extent can the 21st Century learning professional utilise the 'social web' within their workplace as well as at home?

6 How can the parts of the 'social web' be categorised in terms of usefulness to learning professionals?

Comments on this 1st draft would be appreciated.

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